It’s Intriguing, yet creepy at the same time. Inspired by Drew Olbrich’s Thing In a Jar, I created my own oddity in a jar. Using Drew’s design I sculpted my own alien fetus. Here’s how I did it.
- The process begins with a design. Being my first attempt at this project, I based my design off the sketch done by Drew Olbrich, but I encourage you to come up with your own ideas, shapes and designs. There’s lots of great variants on the Thing in a Jar via Google.
- The design started with a block of Sculpey clay. Sculpey is great! It is a modeling clay that, when baked, hardens to a plastic-like consistency. It can then be painted making it ideal for this project. I formed the shape of the little critter, complete with ridges and bumps to give it more lifelike detail. Once completed, I baked it according to the directions on the Sculpey packaging and let it cool enough to touch.
- Once cool enough to touch, I gave it a few coats of flesh-colored paint. I painted the eyes black and let the paint dry.
- Next, I coated the entire creature with Rubber Cement. This gives the final product some texture and can be peeled/pulled to add a skin/mucus effect.
- I used a Jar I picked up at Michael’s crafts store, but you can use any jar you want. I placed the creature inside the jar.
- To get the dark color, I used a mixture of about 60% water to 40% cola, adjusted as necessary.
- Because I did not use good quality jars, the jars did not hold an airtight (or waterproof) seal. I used Rubber Cement and carefully went around the rubber stopper and the entire lid to ensure a complete seal. Using screw-on lids or heavy-duty jars would eliminate the need for this step.
The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. In addition to the creature, I created a human finger (a thumb, shaped similar to my own), though the digit didn’t come out as good as I had hoped, and therefore will not get a post on my blog. I also created a Specimen label in Photoshop, printed and cut out the label, and soaked it in a cup of coffee for about 2 minutes. Dried it off between 2 paper towels while crumpling it up and let it dry. It has a great aged look to it and looks great glued to the jar.